A is for the Amazing and sometimes Not so Amazing Start of Motherhood

There are no words to describe the amazing moment when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. When you touch those tiny hands and feet and look into those sleepy eyes, and fall irrevocably in love with the little baby in your arms. When you realize Read more…

Step Out of your Comfort Zone: Your Dreams are Waiting

“I don’t know if I should do it or not. I mean, I have a comfortable life, a good job, family, and home. Why go behind a dream that might never come true?”, Nidhi said arguing with her husband Rishabh. “Oh C’mon Nidhi, don’t be so negative yaar. What’s the Read more…

15 Ideas for Mommy Me time

What to Do In Mommy Me Time

Phew…You have finally managed to squeeze in precious 20 minutes or luckily an hour from your busy day. And now you are wondering what should I do? You don’t want to waste this precious time scrolling through Instagram feed and seeing people vacationing at exotic spots. I know you don’t Read more…

hoe to stop being an angry mom

How To Stop Being an Angry Mom

Do you find yourself yelling at your kids for minor infractions? Are you always frustrated and angry? You are having difficulty controlling your anger? Do you just snap at kids anytime? If the answers to any or all of the above questions are yes, you might be an angry Mom Read more…

Why Having a Massage Routine is Essential For your Baby

When a baby comes into our life, he brings a lot of happiness and joy to our lives. We hold our baby’s well-being and proper growth in the palm of our hands, especially in the first few years of his/her life. Body Massage is an integral part of a baby’s Read more…

Blogs freelance writers should follow

Want to be a Successful Freelance Writer? Here are 10 Blogs You Should Definitely Follow

Starting a freelance writing business is not an easy task. There is so much to do from finding your niche, creating samples for portfolio to cold emailing etc. To the outsiders it may look like that all you have to do is sit in your pajamas and type away all Read more…

5 Blogs Every New Blogger Should Follow

5 Blogs Every New Blogger Should Follow

Are you a newbie blogger who have just started your blog or thinking of starting one? It’s ok to feel overwhelmed, after all there is so much to do, and so much to learn. Figuring out everything yourself is difficult and takes time. Of course, you can invest in a Read more…

how to get things done with a toddler at home

How to Get Things Done with a Toddler who Doesn’t Nap

Until you become a Mom, you can never understand that the phrase ” Sleep like a Baby”  is sooo wrong. Babies and toddlers are supposed to sleep long hours right? Right, like that’s going to happen so easily. When you have a toddler like me, who hates sleeping, and never Read more…

Ballet How to beat At Home mom Identity Crisis

How to Beat Stay At Home Mom Identity Crisis

  Your little one is finally asleep, that too after a struggle of an hour or so, Phew!! Why not lie down for a few minutes, and catch up with your Facebook notifications. So, you are scrolling through your Facebook, and THERE is it again, a picture of your ex-colleague Read more…

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