Phew…You have finally managed to squeeze in precious 20 minutes or luckily an hour from your busy day. And now you are wondering what should I do? You don’t want to waste this precious time scrolling through Instagram feed and seeing people vacationing at exotic spots. I know you don’t need that right now.

So, how to spend the ‘Me’ time you have got? Don’t worry Mommy, I have got you covered, here are a few ideas you can try to rejuvenate your mind instead of just passing that ‘Me’ time:

  1. Take a Bath or Long Shower

Seriously, when was the last time you did that? Nothing refreshes you better than a good long shower without the kids yelling for you every few minutes.

  1. Take a Walk

That is…if you are too tired or prefer to be a couch potato when you could afford it (Because Moms don’t get to be that right?). Taking a walk in the fresh air could be a great stress buster and we all know it’s great for health.

  1. Cook for Yourself

I know, I know, it’s your break and you might not want to go in the kitchen, if that is the case, drop this idea. But, if you are someone who loves to cook, it can be a great idea. Cooking without worrying about your fussy eaters can be therapeutic too!

  1. Listen to your Favorite Music

If music is your jam, then go for it. And if you love to sing too, even better! Give Karaoke a chance.

  1. Dance your Heart Out

It can be a great stress buster and workout. Dancing is one of my favorite Me time thing to do, and I LOVE Zumba! It’s the best combination of dance and workout.

  1. Get Crafty

You can try something new, or do the craft you already love. There are tons of DIY videos on the internet, give some of them a try.

  1. Workout or Yoga

It’s the best and the healthiest way to spend your free time. Need I say more?

15 Ways to spend mommy me time

Ok, now you may be thinking, these ideas are all well and good. But Poorvi, I want to rest in my me time and be a couch potato for a while, what if I am tired?

  1. Call someone you have been meaning to talk to.

It could be your Mom, best friend or cousin. Talking and listening to someone may refresh your mind. And you don’t have to move from your couch to do it. Yay!

  1. Catch up on your Reading

It’s time to complete that book you started last week or last month? It’s time to catch up. Or you could start a new one if you like.

And if you can’t stop yourself from using your cellphone, here are a few things to do rather than scrolling your social media:

  1. Parenting Blogs

After all, you go on the internet to get answers to all those parenting questions you have. You might as well get some solutions from these blogs.

  1. Funny Videos

There are so many video clips available online, from standup comedy to episodes of your favorite shows. Watch them; a good laugh will relax you like nothing else.

  1. Short Stories

If you like to read, but starting a new book is not something you want to do right now, there are many sites which provide short stories for readers in different genres.

  1. Podcasts
  • Give your eyes some rest and listen to podcasts on the topics you want to whether it is beauty, health, and fitness or parenting.

And, if you are not in the mood to do anything at all. Then,

  1. Do nothing

Yep, that’s perfectly OKAY. Just sit and relax on your favorite spot.

  1. Take a nap

Not on the couch, but the bed and under the covers. It will do wonders for your tired brain and body.

That’s it from my side.

Got any more ideas for your mommy ‘Me’ time? Do tell me in the comments section.

Categories: For Moms

1 Comment

Pragya · February 3, 2020 at 2:15 pm

Great post, everyone needs thier mee time and mommies are no exception,

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