Woman is an inspiration. Whether she is a housewife or working Mom

An Inspiration!

Radha was busy in the kitchen preparing dinner. Her 12 years old son, Viraj was sitting at the dining table, munching on his favorite cookies she had made for him and working on his latest craft project. Her husband Sumit, walked in and sat beside their son, “Hey champ, how was school?” “Good Papa, Read more…

A is for the Amazing and sometimes Not so Amazing Start of Motherhood

There are no words to describe the amazing moment when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. When you touch those tiny hands and feet and look into those sleepy eyes, and fall irrevocably in love with the little baby in your arms. When you realize Read more…

Step Out of your Comfort Zone: Your Dreams are Waiting

“I don’t know if I should do it or not. I mean, I have a comfortable life, a good job, family, and home. Why go behind a dream that might never come true?”, Nidhi said arguing with her husband Rishabh. “Oh C’mon Nidhi, don’t be so negative yaar. What’s the Read more…

You Don’t Have a Brother (Short Story)

Kavya called her father as the meeting finally got over. “Yes Kavya, I have taken my medicines.” her father said, as he picked up the phone. Kavya smiled hearing that, it was a routine. She always called at least once or twice in the day to check on her father. Read more…

Breaking the Glass Ceiling #Blog-a-league

The Girl who Broke the Glass Ceiling

And the winner of this year’s “Rap-Battle”, the biggest rap competition in India is “Megha Pandey!!”. Megha got up from her seat in the auditorium, which was echoing with sounds of claps and people shouting her name. She walked to the stage with blurry eyes, as the tears of happiness Read more…

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