motherhood zest

Z is for the Zest of Motherhood

Motherhood is a magical thing. It’s miraculous in a way that nothing can be compared to it in the world. And we Moms are the examples of it. Yes, I am saying we are magical. Because no matter the hardships and challenges we face, we never lose the Zest of Read more…

Y is for Yin to Your Yang: Your Spouse

Naturally, the first few months after birth are all about your baby. Your thoughts, talks, or discussions, and everything else you do is centered on your baby. But among all the sleepless nights, diaper changes and poop discussions, we tend to forget about one very important fact – That YOU Read more…

postpartum Weight

X is for XL and XXL

In my last post, I talked about a mother’s struggle with her baby’s weight. And here I am going to talk about a mother’s struggle with her own weight. (Seems like, weight is something a New Mom is always worried about, whether it’s hers or her baby’s.) When we are Read more…

baby Weight

W is for Your Baby’s Weight

Body-weight is a BIG parameter when it comes to evaluating a person’s health, whether it’s an infant, child, or adult. Only, when it comes to adults – it’s said, “The lesser the better”. And for Babies – it’s “The more the better”. And in both cases, people forget it’s not Read more…

Traveling with baby

V is for Vacations with Baby

Is it okay to go on a vacation with a baby? The first year of motherhood is hard enough, does traveling with a baby, staying in new locations, would make it more stressful or provide a reprieve? That’s a tough question to answer because it is hard traveling with a Read more…

Unsolicited Advice for moms

U is for Unsolicited Advice

Before I became pregnant, I knew that most people like to give advice to others, some more than the others. What I didn’t know was that when it comes to pregnant women and Moms, everyone LOVES to give advice. As if, you being a Mom gives them the right to Read more…

Teething Troubles in babies

T is for Teething Troubles

Teething is a milestone that can be described as one of the hardest milestones for babies and Moms as well. Though it’s beautiful to see those first baby teeth and your baby’s toothy smile, it’s usually a painful and uncomfortable phase for babies, and that makes it painful for Moms Read more…

Baby tools

S is for Mommy Sanity Saver Tools

 Do you know who is your best friend in the first year of motherhood besides your Mom and Google?  The Baby Tools! Swings, rockers, cradles, carriers, and, bouncers, etc. These tools are the blessings for Moms who need a break to save her sanity and give some relief to her Read more…

Motherhood Race

R is for the Motherhood Race

We live in a competitive world, where everyone is competing against each other, for a better job, a better car, bigger homes, better income, etc. And motherhood has also been added to this bandwagon. It’s sad but true. In the race of motherhood, little babies who have just entered the Read more…

Motherhood quickies

Q is for Motherhood Quickies

Got You! I know what you are thinking about. But I am so not talking about those quickies. Even those are far and few between in the first year of motherhood. Nope, I am talking about the quickies a mother has to go through in the first year of motherhood, Read more…

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