Baby Poop

P is for the Pooping Stories

Imagine this phone conversation between me and my husband; these types of conversations are an ingrained part of the first year of parenting: Hubby: Hi, Did he do it? Me: Yes finally! I am so relieved. Hubby: Yeah, it’s a relief. So was the color OK? Me: Yes, it was Read more…

O is for The Obsessive Mommying… in the First Year of Motherhood

I know what you are thinking about reading the headline, that every Mom is a little obsessive about her baby. Being over-protective is natural in the first year of motherhood, as your baby is dependent on you for everything. And I agree with you, every Mom is a little obsessed Read more…

Surviving NICU Days

N is for Surviving The NICU Days

When you are pregnant, you imagine so many things about your baby. You wonder about the first moment you will see him, hold him for the first time in your arms, feeding him, and so much more. Then, during the long hours of the unbearable pain of labor, or when Read more…

mommy me time

M is for Mommy Me Time

In my last post, I wrote about how Mommies should not forget to love themselves. And one of the important aspects of loving yourself is to have some me-time. Ideally, it should be just you with your thoughts, and whatever activity you want to do in your me-time. But in the Read more…

Mommy self love

L is for loving yourself

Do you really love yourself, Mommy? If your answer is, of course, I do. Then let me ask a few questions to you. Do you prioritize your baby’s and family’s health over you? Do you think taking care of your baby is important as he is so young now, and Read more…

motherhood judgement

J is for the Judgments Every Mother Faces

Before I start writing anything about this, I must confess that I too am guilty of judging a few mothers on their choices. Though when I got married and saw my sister-in-law’s hard journey of pregnancy and motherhood, and then became a mother myself, my perspectives changed. I remember an Read more…

hormonal imbalance

H is for the Haywire Hormones

Many people think that once you have gone through hours of painful labor or a C-section and given birth to your baby. You are over the hard part, and in a way, it is true for the physical aspect of a mother’s body. But in truth, it’s just a phase Read more…

G is for the Mommy Guilt Trips

I don’t think there is any mother in the world who hasn’t felt guilt at some point in her motherhood journey. Guilt becomes a women’s best friend once she becomes a mother. Isn’t it sad? A Mom who gives her all to taking care of her baby, who sometimes forgets Read more…

F is for All the fabulous Firsts… and Not so fabulous Ones

Your baby’s every first, every milestone is precious to you. The first time your baby smiles at you looking into your eyes… The first time he rolls over on his own… The first time he sits independently without any support… Your baby’s first steps… All these firsts are moments to Read more…

mommy expectations

E is for The Never-Ending Expectations

Women have been always subjected to very high expectations, be it managing a home single-handedly or balancing career and family. And when she becomes a mother, the expectations increase tenfold. Everyone, including women themselves, have unrealistic expectations from a mother to manage everything, be it baby care, household chores, or Read more…

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