Starting a freelance writing business is not an easy task. There is so much to do from finding your niche, creating samples for portfolio to cold emailing etc. To the outsiders it may look like that all you have to do is sit in your pajamas and type away all day. But we all know that there is a lot of hard work and sweat behind creating a successful freelance writing business.

It can get lonely and frustrating, and there are not people you can talk to. And they won’t be able understand you since most of them have 9-5 jobs. 

It is important to get connected with others who are facing same things as you and to know that it may seem overwhelming but its definitely not impossible.

10 Blogs every freelance writer should follow to learn about freelance writing and be successful in it

Here is a list of 10 awesome freelance blog/websites that can really help you in your freelancing journey:

  1. Make A Living Writing

Carol Tice is an award-winning freelance writer. She provides some really valuable tips and resources for freelance writers on her blog. With around 70000 monthly readers, it is one of the most popular blogs to learn about freelance writing. Whether you are a newbie, mid level or an established writer. Carol has resources for all of you. 

2. Copyblogger

VentureBeat, a leading technology website states that Copyblogger is the bible of content marketing. When you go through their blog you will feel the same as it has very resourseful articles on content writing.

If you are a copywriter, then creating an engaging copy for your client is your number one priority. And you can find a number of articles on learning to create a fabulous copy on this blog. Copyblogger also has both free and paid courses where you can learn content marketing and excel at copywriting.

 3.  The International Freelancer

This blog was started by the award winner journalist and author Mridu Khullar Relph in 2002 back when she was an aspiring writer herself. In her 15 year career, she has written for biggies like The Newyork Times, CNN, Marie Clair, Vogue etc. Today her blog is one of the most sought after resource for learning about freelance writing. From super helpful articles to training courses, you can find everything you need to learn to become a freelancer and run your freelance business.

4. WritetoDone

WritetoDone is a blog for every aspiring writer whether it’s a freelance writer, blogger, or novelist. Mary Jaksch, the chief editor of this blog is a successful author and blogger. If you are a budding writer looking for a coach or mentor, Mary provides individual mentoring for people like you. Check out her mentoring program The Budding writer’s lab to know more about it.

If you are in personal development niche, you should definitely check out her very popular blog Goodlife Zen.

5. Elna Cain

Elna is a professional freelance writer also who run multiple blogs, and she is a mom of twins (how is that for some inspiration Mommies!). She is a freelance writing coach and you can find some awesome resources on her blog to kick start your freelancing journey. Her articles are super helpful and consistently rank high on google.

6. Creative Revolt

Jordan Roper is one of the most bad-ass freelance writing coach out there. Her way of writing and communicating creates a great impact on readers. From being fired from her job and broke to running a 5 figure business, Jorden is a true inspiration. She can teach you a lot about starting your own freelance writing business and how to be successful in it.

7. The No Pants Project

The No Pants Project is an online community of freelancers which offers training to people who want to become successful freelancers. Mike Sheeve, the founder of The No Pants project is a highly successful freelance writer who has written for big clients like Success Magazine, Mel Robbins and more.

The project is a 90-day online program that teaches individuals how to get consistent work and generate passive income while increasing earnings. Check out their blog for some great tips on freelancing.

8. Leaving Work Behind

With practical tips and advice, this blog is a great place for someone trying to start their own online business. I recently came across this blog, and really liked it. I have become their regular reader since then. If you are planning to leave your work behind and start living your life your way check this blog out.

9. The Write Life

As the name suggest this blog is all about writing, be it freelance writing, blogging, publishing or marketing. If you are serious about freelance writing, then you should definitely read this blog. From new trends and tools to writing tips, they write about almost everything you need to learn about freelancing.

10. Men with Pens

Men with Pens is a full service website company which provides web design, copy-writing, and WordPress website development. The founder of Men with Pens is James Chartrand, she (yup, She!) is a highly successful copywriter, published author, business expert and instructor. This blog is a great resource to learn about freelance writing, blogging and writing fiction.

James is also the owner of a highly sought after online writing course Damn Fine Words. The course opens for enrollment in February and September.


There you go!

I hope you find the above listed blogs helpful. 

If you know about more blogs that can be added to the list, do let me know in the comments section.










Rebecca @ Boss Single Mama · July 4, 2019 at 1:30 pm

Great choices for freelance writing blogs here! When I was a new freelance writer, I read a lot of these. I blog about freelancing now to try and help people who are just starting out and don’t know how to build their businesses because I know how hard it was for me.

    poorvi khare · July 19, 2019 at 4:53 am

    Thank you!

Chris La Porte · July 4, 2019 at 4:56 pm

I can’t wait to check these out! Thank you!

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