Unsolicited Advice for moms

U is for Unsolicited Advice

Before I became pregnant, I knew that most people like to give advice to others, some more than the others. What I didn’t know was that when it comes to pregnant women and Moms, everyone LOVES to give advice. As if, you being a Mom gives them the right to Read more…

Teething Troubles in babies

T is for Teething Troubles

Teething is a milestone that can be described as one of the hardest milestones for babies and Moms as well. Though it’s beautiful to see those first baby teeth and your baby’s toothy smile, it’s usually a painful and uncomfortable phase for babies, and that makes it painful for Moms Read more…

Baby tools

S is for Mommy Sanity Saver Tools

 Do you know who is your best friend in the first year of motherhood besides your Mom and Google?  The Baby Tools! Swings, rockers, cradles, carriers, and, bouncers, etc. These tools are the blessings for Moms who need a break to save her sanity and give some relief to her Read more…

Motherhood Race

R is for the Motherhood Race

We live in a competitive world, where everyone is competing against each other, for a better job, a better car, bigger homes, better income, etc. And motherhood has also been added to this bandwagon. It’s sad but true. In the race of motherhood, little babies who have just entered the Read more…

Motherhood quickies

Q is for Motherhood Quickies

Got You! I know what you are thinking about. But I am so not talking about those quickies. Even those are far and few between in the first year of motherhood. Nope, I am talking about the quickies a mother has to go through in the first year of motherhood, Read more…

Baby Poop

P is for the Pooping Stories

Imagine this phone conversation between me and my husband; these types of conversations are an ingrained part of the first year of parenting: Hubby: Hi, Did he do it? Me: Yes finally! I am so relieved. Hubby: Yeah, it’s a relief. So was the color OK? Me: Yes, it was Read more…

O is for The Obsessive Mommying… in the First Year of Motherhood

I know what you are thinking about reading the headline, that every Mom is a little obsessive about her baby. Being over-protective is natural in the first year of motherhood, as your baby is dependent on you for everything. And I agree with you, every Mom is a little obsessed Read more…

Surviving NICU Days

N is for Surviving The NICU Days

When you are pregnant, you imagine so many things about your baby. You wonder about the first moment you will see him, hold him for the first time in your arms, feeding him, and so much more. Then, during the long hours of the unbearable pain of labor, or when Read more…

mommy me time

M is for Mommy Me Time

In my last post, I wrote about how Mommies should not forget to love themselves. And one of the important aspects of loving yourself is to have some me-time. Ideally, it should be just you with your thoughts, and whatever activity you want to do in your me-time. But in the Read more…

Mommy self love

L is for loving yourself

Do you really love yourself, Mommy? If your answer is, of course, I do. Then let me ask a few questions to you. Do you prioritize your baby’s and family’s health over you? Do you think taking care of your baby is important as he is so young now, and Read more…

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