D is for Depression & Diapers

Oh No! I am not saying that my baby’s diapers put me in depression. Although, that’s how you feel when your baby poops just after you have put a fresh diaper on him. Or when you find out babies go through around 1000 diapers in the first year. It can Read more…


C is for the Co-sleeping Struggles

Before I start, let me tell you, the sleeping part in co-sleeping is hypothetical for Mommies. (You don’t get any sleep in the first few months of motherhood at all. Ask any Mom out there.) You just lie beside your baby, trying to make him sleep or worry about not Read more…

Breastfeeding Struggles

B is for the Bittersweet Breastfeeding Journey

In my almost 2.5 years of breastfeeding journey (Yes, I breastfed that long, to the judging Aunties: It’s none of your business!) I have seen and done everything, from struggling to breastfeed my baby, nursing him all night, to weaning him off. I could actually write a book about breastfeeding. Read more…

A is for the Amazing and sometimes Not so Amazing Start of Motherhood

There are no words to describe the amazing moment when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. When you touch those tiny hands and feet and look into those sleepy eyes, and fall irrevocably in love with the little baby in your arms. When you realize Read more…

BLogchatter A2Z Theme Reveal

Theme Reveal: BlogChatter A2Z Challenge April 2020

The first time I found out about Blogchatter A2Z Blogging Challenge was last year in March through Facebook. Shocking, right? But before that, I wasn’t much of a social media person. I had a FB account and a twitter account, which I never actually used. But you can’t be a Read more…

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