Is it okay to go on a vacation with a baby? The first year of motherhood is hard enough, does traveling with a baby, staying in new locations, would make it more stressful or provide a reprieve?
That’s a tough question to answer because it is hard traveling with a baby, and there are so many factors to consider when it comes to your baby’s health and comfort. On the flip side, a vacation could be a great way to relax and have some much-needed change.
Though as a new Mom, your routine with your baby when it comes to feedings and diaper changes are the same. But it certainly feels good when you can sit in the balcony of your hotel room and gaze at the beautiful sea while doing all that.
How soon can newborn baby travel?
It is advised to wait until the baby is at least 2 weeks old. A baby’s immunity is fragile at birth, and it keeps developing during the first few years of his life.
It’s better to wait a few months before you start going on vacation with your baby so that his system is stronger to fight the ever-present germs in public places. Of Course, you should always discuss your plans with the pediatrician and proceed only if he gives an okay.
Tips to survive (and enjoy) vacations with your Baby
Choosing the right Destination
You don’t want to go to a place where there will be too much temperature change, as it can affect your baby’s health negatively. Also, go to a relaxing destination because you sure don’t want to walk a lot or hike on a mountain while carrying your baby. It will turn out to be a not so happy vacation for your family.
Easy Schedule
Continuous travel without breaks will make your baby uncomfortable, and it will disturb a large part of his routine. So make an itinerary full of breaks which will provide enough rest and nap time for your baby and you.

Discuss with your pediatrician
Discuss your plans with the doctor; give all the details about your destination and schedule. Get your baby a checkup, the doctor’s okay is a must in this.
Plan short vacations
Start with a weekend getaway and slowly move on to 1-week vacations and longer. It will get you and your baby prepare for longer travels while he grows up. Also, long vacations with a small baby can put a toll on you and your baby. That’s why short vacations are better.
Pack Smartly
It is tempting to pack as much as you can with a baby on board. But remember, you will have to carry your baby most of the time. Piling luggage won’t help you at all. It will just make carrying and moving your luggage much harder.
Instead pack smartly, for example, diapers are available almost everywhere unless you are going to a remote location. You can buy diapers there too.
Bring entertainment for your baby
Pack a few toys, rattles, teethers, etc. and download some kid’s videos on your phone. Your baby needs to be entertained and happy on those long flights or train journeys.
Pack your Baby Gear
Baby gear such as carriers and strollers, which are easily portable, can be a boon during your vacations. These gears make your travel easy and comfortable for you and your baby.

Medical Kit
A must-have in every travel. Get a prescription for cold, cough, stomach-ache, and lose motions, etc. from your pediatrician. Pack all those medicines with you along with a first aid kit. If you are going to a city or town, look up a pediatrician or a physician beforehand.
Diaper Bag
A new Mom can’t go outside without a diaper bag. Let alone on a vacation. There are things which you need constantly with a baby, and you can’t go rummaging around in your big suitcase for them every time you need them.
Diaper Bag Essentials: Diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream, changing table pad, extra pair of clothes, milk/water bottle, sanitizer, plastic bags, blanket, snacks.
Don’t stress Mommy, Enjoy!
Babies are babies; they will cry, fuss, make a mess, and will make other people look at you and your baby with disdain for disturbing them. Just apologize and don’t fret over it. Every baby does it, people just forget their own time and that their babies did the same. So just enjoy yourself with your baby.
It will not be a smooth ride (or vacation in this case), but it will be memorable for sure!
Happy Traveling with Babies!
Note: This post is written as part of the #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge for the letter V.
1 Comment
Navita Bhatia · April 29, 2020 at 11:48 am
I had always been stressed about traveling with him during the first year. Your awesome tips will be handy to all the new moms here.